Radio Interview with Pere Pons for national radio RNE4

Hola amics de Barcelona. Aquí podeu escoltar l'entrevista que em va fer en Pere Pons al programa L'home del Jazz, emesa el 17 de gener a Radio4 en el programa de la 1a hora, al minut 28:09. També podreu escoltar dos temes del meu nou treball "Butterflies and Zebras" per Ditmas Quartet. Gràcies Pere!! Salut!

Hello friends from Barcelona. Here you can listen to a radio interview I had with Pere Pons for the public radio station Radio4, broadcasted on the program L'home del Jazz on January 17 on the 1st hour, 28:09... if you'd like to hear me speaking Catalan! You can also listen to two tracks of my new album "Butterflies and Zebras" by Ditmas Quartet. Thank you Pere!! Peace.

Valeria Trucchia

Valeria Trucchia is a freelance illustrator and creative consultant, based in Southern Arizona. She specializes in realistic freehand drawings of lifestyle scenes and environmental subjects for educational publishing and non profit. French accent, Italian blood, Brooklyn spirit, desert lover. Her personality is defined by cross culture.