Novoa / Johnson / Hertenstein and October gigs

Here are some upcoming performances of mine next month…

in early October I will be curating Max Johnson's band with the pianist Simon Nabatov for their cd release. here are the details...

Saturday October 6th (10/06)

Simon Nabatov - Max Johnson - Michael Sarin CD release for "Free Reservoir"

Simon Nabatov, piano

Max Johnson, bass

Michael Sarin, drums


Novoa / Johnson / Hertenstein

Eva Novoa, piano

Max Johnson, bass

Joe Hertenstein, drums



100% music - no alcohol


168 7th st

Brooklyn, NY 11215

F/G trains to 9 st - 4 av stop

Sunday October 21st (10/21)

Novoa / Pavolka / Gray

Eva Novoa, piano

Matt Pavolka, bass

Devin Gray, drums


New York Academy Of Medicine